Kontorets åbningstider
Mandag – torsdag 13:30 til 15:30
Fredag lukket
Opening hours for the office
Monday – Thursday 13:30 til 15:30
Friday closed
HUSK at returnere støvsugerne umiddelbart efter brug
REMEMBER to return the vacuum cleaners immediately after use.

Vigtig information vil i fremtiden blive sendt ud pr. mail, så husk jævnligt at tjekke din indbakke!
In the future, important information will be sent out per email, so remember to check your inbox regularly!

Vi opfordrer på det kraftigste til, at man tilmelder sin husleje til PBS, da I ikke altid vil modtage jeres girokort til d. 1. i måneden.
Det er PostNord der står for omdelingen og det er derfor ude af vores hænder.
We strongly encourage you to register your rent with PBS (Danish bank accounts only), as you will not always receive your rent bill by the 1st of the month.
PostNord is responsible for the distribution and it is therefore out of our hands.

Foreign accounts

If you pay rent through a foreign account, there is a fee of DKK 50.
This fee will stand as an amount owed to us
I akutte situationer/In emergency situations
Vagttelefonen uden for normal åbningstid:
21 45 83 16
Emergency phone outside normal working hours:
+45 21 45 83 16